The dime Silver accreditation confirms that Keystone Community Church follows all of the financial best practices recommended for a church of its size.  This includes, but is not limited to, Bill Pay processes and controls, Expense management reviews and controls, Cash counting and depositing controls, Donor accounting management, Month-end reconciliations and review and financial management reporting.  While Keystone Community Church follows all of the financial best practices, we do not require them to produce financial reports in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as that is not a requirement at this time.  Keystone Community Church functions on a modified cash basis of accounting, which is standard practice for an organization such as this. For more information about the dime accreditation program, please visit

Keystone Community Church

At Keystone Community Church, we believe the Bible has something to say. Each week during our gatherings, we open the Bible. As we read it, it reads us. Our talks explore the intersection of faith and life, and are designed to get conversations started.

655 Spaulding Avenue SE
Ada, MI 49301